Les Brasseurs Savoyards


Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery

June 2023
3 min.

Water from the Alps flows into the bottles of beverages brewed in a hidden corner of Haute-Savoie and created by the Brasseurs Savoyards team. They pioneered organic beer made with barley grown only in France, and continue to expand their range and invent new procedures to make evermore ethical artisanal beverages.

All-organic beer with the just right level of bitterness, as well as soft drinks that pop, Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery has inventing in its blood. Their latest invention attests to this: a range of non-alcoholic beer made through an all-new brewing process.

Enter the brewing world of Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery, a mix of tradition and innovation where creativity has no limits.

Les Brasseurs Savoyards

© Les Brasseurs Savoyards

All organic

In 2014, when brothers Antoine and Etienne Onorati decided to take over Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery – in difficulty at the time – their brewing experience was barely in its infancy. After a few batches of beer brewed in 20-liter kettles in their garage, and a growing passion for the product, all they needed was an opportunity. It took little else for the spark to turn into a blaze and launch a new beginning – organic this time around.

Les Brasseurs Savoyards

© Les Brasseurs Savoyards

Committing to all-organic from the start was not an easy approach. Organic hops remains rare and expensive. Fabrication procedures are more complicated. With organic, there is no way to cheat. No enzymes or stabilizers are allowed, no additives or preservatives either, the fermentation process is trickier, more finicky, more precise, and it took a few failed batches to finally find the right recipe. Organic requires traceability from the source for everything, from the raw ingredients to the brewing residue used as animal feed by a local livestock farmer; Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery does not leave anything to chance. And they continue to invent.

Traditional, artisanal, a small manageable operation, low key, from its beginnings through today, the brewery has grown, and moved to Alby-sur-Chéran while little by little expanding the family. The six traditional golden-brown types of beer (lager, wheat, ale, stout, blueberry, and genepy) are still and forever on the menu next to the Nonne range. This more decisive style of beer veers away from traditional standards. It has all the expected character from a Brasseurs Savoyards beer, and finds its intensity in a harmonious combination of malt and hops. What could be more perfect for beer connoisseurs?

Les Brasseurs Savoyards

© Les Brasseurs Savoyards

Fruity, floral, and even spicy, beer from Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery does not sacrifice taste on the organic alter, the raw organic ingredients used in every beer form the foundation of the brewery’s identity.

Fruit-filled inspiration

Facing the giant wave of non-alcoholic beverages developed right and left, Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery decided to ride the trend, but not at any price, taking the time to think about their approach.

Refusing to make any concessions whatsoever, the organic beverages made by Brasseurs Savoyards have bubble with flavor, and offer the right combination for a sweetly organic taste. Natural flavors, from lemon to lime, by way of mint and organic sugarcane, with 25% less sugar than mass-produced drinks, these simple tastes from childhood have that extra-special something both fizzy and refreshing.

Les Brasseurs Savoyards

© Les Brasseurs Savoyards

Starting with classic, old-fashioned lemonade, the brewery’s soft drinks first expanded to lime and blueberry concoctions based on the lemonade recipe; they then launched their version of the supposedly invincible cola. Yaute Cola (“Yaute” is a local way in French of referring to Haute-Savoie) was quickly joined by Yaute Tonic, two cool refreshments made right here in Haute-Savoie. Event organizers, after expressing a need for iced teas, definitely inspired the brewery’s latest invention, Yaute & Tea.

Brasseurs Savoyards makes its own organic iced tea by infusing black tea and twisted Darjeeling with a hint of lemon and a touch of mint. To keep up with increasing demand and meet the needs of the festivals they work with, Yaute & Tea is delivered in kegs to quench the thirst of festival goers all over France: Jazz in Vienne and VYV in Dijon among many others.

Non-alcoholic beer, too good to be true

The latest Brasseurs Savoyards innovation, non-alcoholic beer, made its grand entrance into the brewery’s full range of beverages. Reluctant at the start to remove what is naturally present in beer, Brasseurs Savoyards developed their own proprietary procedure, using specific yeasts that ferment differently. Only after working with specialists and performing months of research and testing did this new unique expertise, whose secrets Brasseurs Savoyards Brewery is the first in France to master, make its grand entrance.

Two products are currently available in their non-alcoholic range of beer: a light lager and a fruity IPA with hints of mango and passion fruit.

This long-awaited beverage joins the fabulous success story of two brothers who run a 100% organic and 100% local company that, starting with just 600 hectoliters, now brews more than 22,000 hectoliters of tasty beverages. This now heavyweight among beverage companies in France continues to stick with its artisanal, all-natural, and authentically modest beginnings.

Les Brasseurs Savoyards

© Les Brasseurs Savoyards

Les Brasseurs Savoyards

645 rue des Champs de la Pierre – ALBY-SUR-CHERAN

Tel: + 33 (0)4 50 22 91 62


Les Brasseurs Savoyards


Excessive alcohol consumption can be harmful to your health, please drink in moderation.


  • © Les Brasseurs Savoyards

Journalist: Gaëlle Tagliabue

Translation: Darin Reisman