Clef Verte label

The Clef Verte label is the first international environmental label for tourist accommodation and restaurants.

The Clef Verte label was created in 1998, to allow tourist accommodation and restaurants to commit to an effective environmental approach and to allow the development of sustainable, ecologically virtuous and socially responsible tourism in France.

The label is accompanied by regular audits and the collection of evidence to verify the seriousness of the establishments’ approach.

Clef Verte

The criteria :

  • environmental policy: social responsibility, training
  • customer awareness of the environment
  • energy management
  • water management
  • waste management
  • responsible purchasing: food, cleaning products
  • living environment

These criteria are constantly re-evaluated in order to maintain an innovative approach and meet the new environmental requirements of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), internationally, and TERAGIR, in France.

Establishments Clef Verte

On the territory of Lake Annecy, these different establishments offer you an experience in line with an environmentally friendly approach.

Establishments Clef Verte
  • Eau du Thiou

    Monica Dalmasso / Eau du Thiou

  • Champs à Naves-Parmelan

    Gilles Piel / Champs à Naves-Parmelan

  • Forêt du Roc de Chère

    Monica Dalmasso / Forêt du Roc de Chère